[webMethods] 서버원격 shutdown API
2013. 7. 29. 16:23
webMethods API를 이용해서 IntegrationServer의 shutdown 명령을 처리하는 방법
첨부의 소스에 서버접속 정보입력후 처리가능함
현재 8.0 버전 환경기준으로 첨부의 소스가 참고하는 lib는 wm-isclient.jar , wm-g11nutils.jar, enttoolkit.jar, mail.jar 임
SoftwareAG인스톨 경로의 common\lib 경로에서 찾을수 있습니다.
import com.wm.app.b2b.client.*; import com.wm.util.*; public class B2BShutdown { public static String hostName = null; public static String port = null; public static String userName = null; public static String password = null; public static String errorMsg = null; public static int numSecs = 15; public static String tmpStr = null; Context context = null; public boolean connected = false; public static void main(String[] args) { errorMsg = ""; // Create an instance of this class B2BShutdown b2bServer = new B2BShutdown(); System.out.println(); b2bServer.connect(true); if (!b2bServer.connected) { System.exit(1); } b2bServer.shutdown(); b2bServer.disconnect(); System.exit(0); } public void connect(boolean dispMsg) { context = new Context(); try { System.out.println("Try to connect ....."); context.connect("", "test", "test"); // context.connect(hostName + ":" + port, userName, password); connected = true; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("General Exception"); // System.out.println(e.toString()); } } public void shutdown() { try { System.out.println("Shutting down B2B Server... "); Values input = new Values(); input.put("option", "force"); context.invoke("wm.server.admin", "shutdown", input); } catch (ServiceException e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); System.exit(1); } } /***********************************************************************/ /* Delay printing the console message until the server is really down. */ /***********************************************************************/ public void disconnect() { for (int iCtr = 0; (connected) && (iCtr < 3); iCtr++) { context.disconnect(); try { Thread.sleep(numSecs * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } connect(false); } if (context != null) context.disconnect(); System.out.println("B2B Server shutdown complete."); } public B2BShutdown() { System.out.println(); System.out.println("******B2B Server shutdown utility*******"); System.out.println(); } }